" The past, the present and the future of a historical school in our town which is been converted as a “Museum of Education” "
In 1889 the first Gymnasium was founded in our town at the crossroads of Iezekiil and 18th August street. This building is a piece of our town’s history and it can be converted into a museum dedicated to education.
As long as we have dreams …
We, the Α4 class students want to continue the idea of those people, for the foundation of this museum.
In saving old school archives.
In saving old science and
chemistry instruments.
of Physical Education and
awards given after races.
In saving old desks, furniture, books, photographs, uniforms.
Students of A4 class who worked on it :
1st team: Nikopoulou Dimitra, Daraklitsi Maria, Demiri Anna Maria, Palapela Fena, Papageorgiou Panagiota, Papadimitriou Myrto.
2nd team: Myrgiotis Nikos, Naoum Sotiris, Nikolaou Apostolis, Dafopoulos Dimitris, Dilias Giannis, Pantazis Dimitris.
3rd team: Mpraxos Aristotelis, Mprouziotis Panagiotis, Oikonomou Giorgos K, Oikonomou Giorgos P, Palantzas Thanasis, Palichoritis Ilias.
4th team : Mpatsouka Aspasia, Mpellou Marianna, Mpournavea Lena, Briana Vana, Doulias Efthimios, Papaevaggelou Konstantina.
… teachers who helped:
Palichoritou Dimitra, Science teacher
Katsaros Fotis, Theology teacher
Nomikos Tasos, Science teacher